IED threat awareness training for Redbridge firefighters
‘The aim of today is to give you an overview of methods of attack employed by terrorists and to increase your level of awareness of the IED threat.’ – Nigel Barton MInstRE
IED threat awareness training for Redbridge firefighters
‘The aim of today is to give you an overview of methods of attack employed by terrorists and to increase your level of awareness of the IED threat.’ – Nigel Barton MInstRE, speaking to the watch at Redbridge Fire Station, Southampton.
Igne’s Technical Field Manager Nigel Barton MInstRE first met the Redbridge Green Watch firefighters when he delivered unexploded ordnance (UXO) awareness training earlier this year.
The Redbridge firefighters found the training beneficial and relevant to them as emergency services first responders.
An extension of the basic UXO training
As improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have affected more than half the countries around the world, and because the threat continues to grow, Redbridge also requested improvised explosive device threat awareness training from Igne. They made the request because the presence (or suspected presence) of an IED could impact the approach taken by emergency responders who arrive first on the scene of an incident.
On 19th November 2019, Nigel returned to Redbridge to deliver the continuing professional development (CPD) training on IED awareness.
What is the threat from IEDs in the UK?
The use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have altered the terror threat landscape. IEDs have catastrophic consequences, claiming the peoples’ lives and causing huge amounts of damage and disruption.
Hundreds of these improvised explosive incidents occur across the globe every month. IEDs can be simple to design, concealable and cheap to make.
In the UK, the current threat level has been classified by MI5 as SUBSTANTIAL meaning an attack is a strong possibility.
How this situation impacts emergency first responders
In the event of an IED attack, emergency responders will be the first people on the scene.
Given that secondary devices are a real risk, it is essential that emergency responders are equipped with enough knowledge to be able to do their jobs as safely as possible.
It is essential that they understand the threat, key things to look out for, and what an explosive ordnance disposal expert will need to know when they arrive on scene.
The training provided by Igne gives insight into:
- methods of attack
- actions on a find
Feedback from the Redbridge firefighters:
'Igne have undoubtedly given us a greater understanding into the complex world of UXOs and IEDs. The training we received has enabled us to have a higher awareness at operational incidents. This presentation and training is a must for all fire an rescue services and 999 responders. The level of training and vast knowledge from Nigel Barton was second to none, perfect for operational responders! We cannot thank Igne and Nigel enough. Your training has made our jobs safer!'
Given the reality of the IED threat and the potential impact of an attack, it is crucial that those who may be on scene in the event of an incident understand the risks.
If you think your team would benefit from improving their understanding of UXO or IED threats, get in contact with Igne today.
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