CPD training keeping construction sites safe
Igne was working with Westridge Construction Ltd to provide unexploded ordnance (UXO) surveying services to support their redevelopment of a school site.
CPD training keeping construction site staff safe
Igne was working with Westridge Construction Ltd to provide unexploded ordnance (UXO) surveying services to support their redevelopment of a school site.
During the project kick off meeting, technical field manager Nigel Barton MInstRE explained that Igne offers free continuing professional development (CPD) training. It offers this to construction site staff and emergency first responders.
The training is designed to help people understand what to do in the event of encountering a suspicious object that might be unexploded ordnance (UXO).
The CPD training can give site managers and construction workers an understanding of the UXO threat and help them understand the full spectrum of services Igne offers that can help.
Westbridge was very happy to have Nigel deliver the CPD training to their staff and the session took place at their offices in West Sussex.
As Nigel left, he reminded the team to contact him if they needed anything else.
48 hours after the UXO training course...
Nigel received a call from Westridge about a suspicious object they’d encountered.
During a reduced level dig at Maresfield in East Sussex, a construction team member had encountered what they thought may be a bullet.
The team paused works, took some pictures of the potential UXO and called Igne.
Rapid deployment in the event of a UXO find
Igne immediately deployed an EOD expert who successfully identified the ordnance as a live item of UXO.
The threat assessment previously provided to Westridge had identified that a Canadian army camp had been based in the area during the war – as a result, the site had been determined to be at medium risk of UXO contamination.
Continued unexploded ordnance support - a watching brief
Having encountered ordnance, Westridge Construction chose to continue works with maximum safety in mind at Maresfield.
As a result, Igne remains on site providing a watching brief service.
In the event of further UXO discoveries, Igne will be onsite to provide instant support.
Nigel has been invited back to give CPD training to more team members.
Projects stay on time and on budget with Igne
In this instance, the continuing professional development (CPD) training provided by Igne taught site staff about what to look for. The rapid response by Igne’s explosive ordnance disposal team kept the client’s project on time and budget.
Igne offers accredited UXO CPD and counter improvised explosive device awareness CPD training.
Are you planning intrusive works? Is your site safe? If you want to ensure your project remains on track, speak to Igne today to discuss our range of risk mitigation services including CPD training to keep your staff safe.
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